Nugget of the Day 10.18.16

Nugget of the Day 10.17.16
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Nugget of the Day 10.18.16

Jesus answered them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent.”Luke 5:31-32 Do you truly understand this? Nothing we have done or will do can keep us from God. He knows we will make mistakes and at times jumbo mistakes. Mistakes humans may not forgive or forget. But then God is not human: He is God. And God does forgive, not only our little sins but our great big ones too. Doctors do not specify that they will only see patients with mild symptoms. They treat all patients that are referred to them. Just as healing our bodies requires us to cooperate with the doctor, we need to cooperate with God to allow Him to heal us spiritually. He will heal each one of us if we allow Him to. We must go to Him and talk to Him. We need to confess our sins and ask for forgiveness and then accept His gift of forgiveness. My prayer tonight is that we all understand that God is the Great Physician. He can heal us. He can take away our shame, embarrassment, feeling of being insignificant and our low self esteem. God can restore our lives. He can heal us, give us hope for a bright future and give us peace and joy in our lives. After all God is the greatest healer of all. So don’t be afraid, if we are hurting or suffering, or if we need to receive forgiveness. Our Loving Father is waiting for us to come to Him. God wants to heal us, we must let Him. So tonight go to our Loving Father and accept His gift of forgiveness.

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