Nugget of the day
April 18, 2018
Nugget of the Day
April 23, 2018
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Nugget of the day

Nugget of the day: Sing praises to God and to his name! Sing loud praises to him who rides the clouds. His name is the Lord—rejoice in his presence! Father to the fatherless, defender of widows—this is God, whose dwelling is holy. Psalm 68:4-5 No matter how old we are, we all need a daddy. We need someone we can rely on, trust to give us truthful answers and lead us in the right direction.  We need someone who will love us unconditionally. Even when we make a mistake or fail, we need someone who loves and cares about us. Daddies look out for their children and never harm them. Good fathers hold their children accountable for their actions and expect them to follow the rules. Some people never get the opportunity to experience an earthly daddy’s unconditional love, but we all have the chance to experience this love from our heavenly Dad. It is our responsibility to accept it. We cannot know His love if we do not know Him. Jesus has shown us who our Daddy is all through the Gospels.  Jesus cried out to our Dad when He was hurting or felt abandoned. Jesus sought God for directions and did nothing without His guidance. Jesus stayed in constant communication with our Father.  My prayer tonight is that we all get to know God not only as the Almighty all-powerful God that He is but also as a loving Daddy. We miss out on so much in this life when we do not take the time to get to know our Dad. I also pray that we do not compare our Heavenly Daddy to our earthly daddies. No matter how good the human dads are or were, they are flawed. God is not. God will never let us down or mislead us. God will never give up on us, walk away from us or mistreat us.   Tonight spend some time appreciating your Daddy. If you do not know God as a Dad, then ask Him to help you get to know Him. Spend time in scripture looking up verses about God as a Father.  Just like any other relationship you have, you have to develop it. Relationships take time, and you have to be willing to be open to getting to the person or our God. This relationship with our Daddy changes lives and brings hope and joy to a broken heart.

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