Holidays Can Be Fun And Healthy Too!

Caution: Titles Can Be Deceiving
May 7, 2018
Gardening Can Provide Exercise And Help Us Renew Our Faith
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Holidays Can Be Fun And Healthy Too!

Too often people make the mistake of thinking that to have a celebration there has to be a lot of favorite foods on the table. Unfortunately, these foods are often unhealthy and loaded with sugar and preservatives. The tables are packed with a variety of food, and people sit around and eat way past the point of being full and later on complain that they are stuffed. Not only do most of these foods pack on extra empty calories to the diet, but they also can cause health problems.

There are alternatives. It requires a person to change their mindset and look at holidays in a different light. Instead of feeling the need to load the table up with cakes, cookies, pies and unhealthy dishes, challenge everyone to bring a healthy dish to the next gathering. Ask them to be creative and to bring the recipe with them to exchange with the other family members. When given the opportunity to taste a variety of new foods, people often find that healthy eating can be fun.  We, as Americans, have many traditional foods that we eat year after year even though we know they are not healthy. We like tradition. There is nothing wrong with tradition, as long as it is not making us sick or unhealthy. Instead of carrying on old traditions that are unhealthy, start new ones that will help keep your family healthy. Let your children see that healthy eating is fun and enjoyable and that holidays do not have to center around junk food. Give them traditions they can pass down to their children and promote health as well.

Yesterday my children made Mother’s Day very special for me. My children know that I am dedicated to eating healthy and keeping my home chemical free. So they planned a special day honoring my choices, and we all had a great time. My youngest son David and his girlfriend Skylar planned the entire day. They made some delicious food with all clean ingredients. The food looked and tasted wonderful. Everyone enjoyed eating it, and it gave us ideas for future parties. The menu consisted of:

*pineapple pico de gallo (recipe below)

*grape tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, watermelon balls, and 1 basil leaf on a skewer drizzled with balsamic vinegar

*lemon pepper organic chicken and spicy organic chicken.


After eating we made beeswax candles. Again the candles were made with natural ingredients: beeswax, coconut oil, and essential oils. These candles do not give off toxic chemicals and release carcinogens into the air like paraffin candles. Instead, these candles can help purify the air. They help to rid the air of allergens, bacteria and viruses. (you can find step by step instructions on the Internet)

We sat outside melting the wax and adding various oils to our candles. It was a fun time to talk and enjoy one another’s company and to do an activity. I now have safe candles to use in my house, and each time I light them, it will remind me of the fun and thoughtful Mother’s Day that we celebrated.

It is the acts of love and kindness that make a gift special. All three of my boys gave me their time and put effort into their gifts. The other highlights of the day were that my oldest son Michael came home to visit me for the weekend.  I miss seeing him and every time he comes home is a gift. I know he is busy and he has to give up his free time to come to St. Louis. When he walked in this time he gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. These made a beautiful centerpiece. My middle son and I spent the afternoon gardening and working on his landscaping allowing me to get some exercise and spend time with him. The best gift a child can give to his mother is spending time with them. Mothers love to be with their children. The simplest gestures that are done out of love mean the most to parents. For the most part, I remember their acts of kindness much more than the gifts I have received.

The same is true with our God. He loves to be with His children. He loves to hear our voices and wants us to sit in His presence. He does not care if we babble on about our struggles or if we cry to Him when we are hurting. Our God wants us to share all our emotions with Him. He wants us to spend time in His Word, and when we do so, He will reveal His heart to us. God will give us revelations as to a deeper understanding of who He is and what His promises are to us, His children. God does not care if we have lavishly drawn-out prayers. Sometimes the simplest prayers are the most heartfelt. God cannot heal us or take away our pain if we do not share it with Him. He can restore peace and bring joy into our lives. We cannot have a relationship with Him if we do not spend time in His presence.

As God’s children, we can give Him the gift of our time. We all have busy schedules and to carve time out of our schedule to sit in His presence, tell our God He matters to us. God notices when we go out of our way and make time for Him. All parents love to be with their children.

Speaking of gifts, God gave us a gift from His heart. God gave us His beloved Son so that we can one day spend eternity with Him. No one will ever give us such a gift. Take some time to appreciate this gift. It is a gift we can cherish every day of our lives. We can never out give God.

For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zephaniah 3:17 (NLT)


Recipe for Pineapple Pico DeGallo


2 cups pineapple diced

1 cup chopped onion

1 cup red pepper diced

1 Jalapeño pepper finely diced with seeds removed

1/3 cup cilantro chopped

Juice from one lime

Himalayan Salt


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and serve with organic tortilla chips.


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