Nugget of the day
April 6, 2018
Nugget of the day
April 8, 2018
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Nugget of the day

Nugget of the day: “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And you know the way to where I am going.” John 14:1-4 These verses are comforting to me. I love to envision what my new home will look like one day. Just thinking about being in the presence of God and meeting Jesus face to face brings me peace. Home is or should be a happy place with loved ones present.  People should find comfort and be able to relax in their homes. This is not always the case, but we know that God’s home is going to be perfect with a beautiful landscape surrounding it.  Our troubles will be erased, and we will have rid ourselves of stress and worry. Our simple minds will never entirely be able to imagine all that God has in store for us. We cannot fully comprehend the joy and peace we will experience for eternity. However, even the little bit our minds can grasp can give us hope and help us to keep fighting the good fight. Without a doubt, Heaven will be worth all the struggles we have endured on this earth.  Jesus has tried to prepare all of us for Heaven. However, there are those who refuse to accept Jesus as their Savior. Theses verse explicitly state we must trust in Him as well as God. Jesus is the One who is going to come and get us. We want to be ready.  We do not want to miss out on living in the perfect home for the rest of our lives.  We also do not want our loved ones to miss out. We need to keep sharing the Good News of the Gospel. It is what will reunite us all in Heaven. My prayer tonight is that we take comfort in knowing that God is planning for us to live with Him for eternity. Know that we have a home that will be far greater than anything we could design on this earth. It will be perfect. It cannot rot, flood or break. The location will be so that we are in the presence of God and Jesus will be our neighbor.  Tonight take some time seeing yourself enjoying being in the presence of our God. Relax envisioning living in a place where there is no pain or suffering. A place where the streets are golden and the lakes are crystal. Know that there is a happily ever after where you will forever be the bride of Christ. When we know we are going to a beautiful place and can see our God face to face; we can find the strength to fight our battles. Don’t give up no matter what struggles you are currently facing. Heaven is worth the all the struggles you endure on this earth.  And don’t quit fighting for your loved ones to accept Jesus as their Savior. We don’t want anyone to miss out spending eternity in the presence of Jesus Christ and God and loving Father.

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