Life Is Not Always What We Perceive It To Be
May 1, 2018
Jesus Breaks Down Prison Walls
May 3, 2018
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You are God’s Beloved

Nugget of the day: “But you are my witnesses, O Israel!” says the Lord. “You are my servant. You have been chosen to know me, believe in me, and understand that I alone am God. There is no other God—there never has been, and there never will be. Isaiah 43:10 What a privilege that God chooses each one of us to be His children. God has created billions of people. Therefore, God could have picked only a few elite people to be His chosen with whom He revealed Himself. The world sees people differently than God. The world categorizes people according to their wealth, popularity, job status, looks or one of many other groups. At times the people in these groups or the categories themselves become gods we worship. Each one of us has been created as a one of a kind, beautiful human being. God custom designed our looks, talents, interests, and careers to fulfill His plans for our lives. When we choose to follow God, we realize He does not play favorites. We are all given the opportunity to know God and have a relationship with Him. God has given each of us the gift of the Holy Spirit and the ability to utilize Him so that we can draw nearer to our God. When we learn to see ourselves as God sees us, we can find peace in our lives. It is then we can appreciate who we are and stop trying to be someone else. My prayer tonight is that you realize God had a plan when He created you. You are so valuable in His eyes that He wants you to develop a relationship with you. The King of the universe knows you personally. He handcrafted you to be an original one of a kind, beautiful human being. In His design of you, God placed a desire to be connected to Him. Tonight spend some time in prayer thanking Him for choosing you to be His child. Appreciate that your uniqueness is exactly what God needs on this earth to help further His Kingdom. Tonight let go of other gods that control your life or rob you of the joy of being connected to your loving Father. Ask the Holy Spirit to draw you closer to God and to reveal to you who our God is and all He is capable of doing in your life. Embrace who you are and know you are God’s beloved.

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