The retreatants experienced a weekend of healthy living. They studied Scripture to give them a better understanding as to how their bodies are a temple to honor God. They were then given information and participated in activities to learn ways to rebuild their temples to live healthier lifestyles. There were cooking demonstration, exercise tips, walks by the river and alone time with God. In the evening we had a bonfire and enjoyed Christian fellowship. There were many actives which the retreatants could participate. There were many surprises to add to the fun of the retreat.
Rebuilding Your Temple Retreat

Burning our troubles at the bonfire

The participants participated in the cooking demonstration and learned how to make a delicious, nutritious meal.

Making essential oil ornaments

Enjoying Christian fellowship while eating the meal we prepared together.

God has a special name for all His children

Learning new exercise routines

Learning healthy living tips

Taking a river walk and enjoying the crisp morning air

Saturday night fun sitting around the bonfire